Beta Page:

Beta Participation

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Hello there! Welcome!

You are special, and I am going to tell you why.

You are special because you are a SkyVillage "beta participant".

You see, what follows are the beta, or "test", versions of SkyVillage. I have put these versions out so that people can look them over, work with them, benefit from them, and then, perhaps, offer feedback.

My plan is to make changes and corrections to SkyVillage based on the feedback that you (and others) provide, before the release of the alpha version, which is the version that will be made available to the general public. My current goal for the release of first alpha version, which will be called "SkyVillage 1.0", is May 2025.

If you would like to offer me feedback, you can find my email address at the end of Part One. If you do, I'd greatly appreciate it.

But, please understand: while I would love to hear from you, it's fine with me if you just read through SkyVillage and not offer me any feedback at all.

What I really want, more than anything else, is for you to use SkyVillage as a coaching resource so as to enhance the quality of your life.

Now, before we get started, we need to address a quick issue.

The thing is, I am a rudimentary web designer at best. This means that I have not optimized SkyVillage to work with all browsers and on all size screens.

Your best bet, therefore, is to use Google Chrome to view these webpages, and to look at them on a larger size screen, such as a monitor connected to a desktop, or a laptop. Tablets and phones might not work very well.

I'll get this fixed down the road, but for now, I'd recommend using Google Chrome, and larger-sized screens.

That takes care of these concerns. Thanks for being here! Are you ready? Good. Then move forward by clicking here.

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