Intro Path 04:
Let's Talk About You
The question on the table is: for whom is this website intended?
Well, like we said, this website is intended for folks who want to live a better life. That's not a complete answer, however.
This website is intended for adults, or for people who want to be adults. I could phrase that differently: this website is intended for grown-ups, or for people who want to grow up.
This bring up a well known quote:
When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things. 1 Corinthians 13:11 (KJV)
In every person's life, there's a time when it is appropriate to be a child, and there's a time when it is appropriate to be a young adult, and then, there comes a time to put childish things away, and grow up.
What does this mean?
For every person, there comes a time when, if you want to live your life to the full, you are going to have to grow up.
This website is for people who are grown up, or, if not, then for people who are interested in growing up, or, if not, then for people who, at least, are interested in taking a look at what it would be like to grow up.
You don't have to grow up, you know. Most people don't grow up--not really. Most people make choices as a child makes choices. Most people make choices as a child makes choices until the day they die.
Most people also don't live their lives to the full.
If I put a number on this, I'd say that this website is for people over the age of 30. Now, I didn't really get serious about growing up until I was around 50, so the number 30 is an approximation. But for sure, this website is for people who are interested in putting "sowing wild oats" in the rear view mirror, for the most part. This website is for people who place a diminished value on "partying" for it's own sake, so to speak. I'm not talking about not having any fun. I'm talking about being done with multiple hangovers in a single week. You get what I am saying.
Another reason that I say that this website is for people who have reached a certain age is that, for most people, fully "getting" what's going on in SkyVillage takes some experience in the real world. For a lot of folks, including myself, that real world experience didn't really start to happen until after the end of school. So, this website is intended for people who have been out of school for a few years, and who, consequently, have gotten a taste of what life is like out here in the "real world."
I need to make something clear. Our language has a superficial (denotative) meaning, and it has an underlying, hidden (connotative) meaning. The words "grown up" and "adult" can contain hidden meanings such as "boring" or "stodgy" or "rigid" and such. In fact, some people, as they get older, do become boring and stodgy and rigid. They lose aliveness, so to speak. They become routine and mechanical. They lose their edge.
It's not like that around here. You see, the whole point of SkyVillage is that, as you grow older, your life gains in value, in liveliness, in reward, in accomplishment, even, dare I say it, in adventure.
Here's the deal with that: a life lived to the full means having a great deal of fun, at any age. But "fun" for a grown up shows up differently than "fun" shows up for a child, or even for a young adult. "Fun" for a grown up is richer, deeper, fuller, more profound--like that. It's less about superficial, temporary gratification, and more about a deeper level of fulfillment and satisfaction. You get it.
So, like we said, this website is about growing, and growing up.
Moving on:
This website is only going to be attractive to folks of a certain level of intelligence. You'll sort yourself out.
One of the philosophies underlying this website is that we enter into life as "beings" before any gender assignment or differences. This website is intended to address you directly, as a being, and, as such, your gender is irrelevant.
This website is intended for folks who have not been entirely consumed by darkness. You know what I mean when I say this. For SkyVillage to work as it is intended, there has to be a spark of light in you that remains active and that can be fanned into flame.
Now, people who have been consumed by darkness might enter SkyVillage in order to learn how to fake being a person of the light, in order to con people, to fool them, and to trick and entrap them. I can't stop that from happening.
But this website is intended for people who still have the capacity and desire to reach for the light, that is, people who have the capacity to grow, and an interest in growing, in the direction of being authentically joyful, loving beings.
I hope that this website is intended for you. If so, let's spend some time together. It'll do us both good.
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